ISO 9001:2008
More than 90
#1 Key Projects in Iraq
Number #1
Construction in region
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The Contract Quality Management Plan (CQMP) establishes procedures and practices for effective quality control of all design-build task orders issued under the contract. The quality control system consists of plans, procedures, and organization necessary to produce end products which comply with the contract requirements. The plan stresses careful inspection and documentation during the entire planning and construction phase of the project, from the selection of the project staff, vendors, materials and subcontractors through completion of the design, construction and renovation. The plan addresses all construction design and construction operations, both onsite and offsite.

ALrand UN. C0. will manage all phases of the design, and construction including subcontractors and vendors in accordance with the project plans and specifications, and as required by the beneficiary office, the International Building Code, Iraqi and local statutes and regulations.
The ALrand UN. C0. QA/QC inspectors will issue a Daily Construction Quality Control (CQC) report of activities at the site. These reports will include, at a minimum, observations and test results, as well as problems encountered and solutions achieved.
The overall goals of this Construction QA/QC program are to ensure that proper design and construction techniques and procedures are used, and to verify that the materials used meet the specifications. This CQMP is designed as a supplement to the contract documents and is intended for use by the entire project team. The team’s comprehension of this CQMP will help meet the quality objectives of this work effort. Any conflicts between the contract documents and the CQMP will be brought to the immediate attention of ALrand UN. C0. The contract documents will govern unless otherwise directed by ALrand UN. C0. Additionally, the plan will attempt to identify and define problems that may occur during construction and address corrective measures. After completion of the construction work, a construction monitoring report will be prepared which documents that the facility was constructed in general conformance with the design standards and contract document specifications and plans. The Final Report will document where and why constructed activities were observed to deviate from the contract documents and how corrective measures were implemented.

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